brucewcyne: quasi-normalcy: theenglishangel: cotille: SPACE FUCKS ME UP This is terrifying and glorious and the same time. It is statistically impossible that we are alone in the Universe. here’s a link to the full res of hubbles ultra deep field
brucewcyne: quasi-normalcy: theenglishangel: cotille: SPACE FUCKS ME UP This is terrifying and glorious and the same time. It is statistically impossible that we are alone in the Universe. here’s a link to the full res of hubbles ultra deep field
brucewcyne: quasi-normalcy: theenglishangel: cotille: SPACE FUCKS ME UP This is terrifying and glorious and the same time. It is statistically impossible that we are alone in the Universe. here’s a link to the full res of hubbles ultra deep field
brucewcyne: quasi-normalcy: theenglishangel: cotille: SPACE FUCKS ME UP This is terrifying and glorious and the same time. It is statistically impossible that we are alone in the Universe. here’s a link to the full res of hubbles ultra deep field
brucewcyne: quasi-normalcy: theenglishangel: cotille: SPACE FUCKS ME UP This is terrifying and glorious and the same time. It is statistically impossible that we are alone in the Universe. here’s a link to the full res of hubbles ultra deep field
brucewcyne: quasi-normalcy: theenglishangel: cotille: SPACE FUCKS ME UP This is terrifying and glorious and the same time. It is statistically impossible that we are alone in the Universe. here’s a link to the full res of hubbles ultra deep field
brucewcyne: quasi-normalcy: theenglishangel: cotille: SPACE FUCKS ME UP This is terrifying and glorious and the same time. It is statistically impossible that we are alone in the Universe. here’s a link to the full res of hubbles ultra deep field
brucewcyne: quasi-normalcy: theenglishangel: cotille: SPACE FUCKS ME UP This is terrifying and glorious and the same time. It is statistically impossible that we are alone in the Universe. here’s a link to the full res of hubbles ultra deep field
brucewcyne: quasi-normalcy: theenglishangel: cotille: SPACE FUCKS ME UP This is terrifying and glorious and the same time. It is statistically impossible that we are alone in the Universe. here’s a link to the full res of hubbles ultra deep field
brucewcyne: quasi-normalcy: theenglishangel: cotille: SPACE FUCKS ME UP This is terrifying and glorious and the same time. It is statistically impossible that we are alone in the Universe. here’s a link to the full res of hubbles ultra deep field
brucewcyne: quasi-normalcy: theenglishangel: cotille: SPACE FUCKS ME UP This is terrifying and glorious and the same time. It is statistically impossible that we are alone in the Universe. here’s a link to the full res of hubbles ultra deep field