ailaalue: man: has anyone ever told you you’re beautiful? me: oh no sir, today is my first day out of doors and papà forbade mirrors in the house lest we fall victim to vanity Lmao this pot I’m talking to (the guy who wanted me to go to Chicago
ailaalue: man: has anyone ever told you you’re beautiful? me: oh no sir, today is my first day out of doors and papà forbade mirrors in the house lest we fall victim to vanity Lmao this pot I’m talking to (the guy who wanted me to go to Chicago
ailaalue: man: has anyone ever told you you’re beautiful? me: oh no sir, today is my first day out of doors and papà forbade mirrors in the house lest we fall victim to vanity Lmao this pot I’m talking to (the guy who wanted me to go to Chicago