racistbeautybloggers: For all of you unaware of what ‘The Green Inferno’ is, it’s a racist dehumanizing film made by Eli Roth that paints native people as savage cannibals. These harmful stereotypes are what led to the genocide of natives. It’s
racistbeautybloggers: For all of you unaware of what ‘The Green Inferno’ is, it’s a racist dehumanizing film made by Eli Roth that paints native people as savage cannibals. These harmful stereotypes are what led to the genocide of natives. It’s
racistbeautybloggers: For all of you unaware of what ‘The Green Inferno’ is, it’s a racist dehumanizing film made by Eli Roth that paints native people as savage cannibals. These harmful stereotypes are what led to the genocide of natives. It’s