captioned-vines: {why we’ve gotten nowhere with aliens by lily zella}Person 1: “ Sir, we have some information about the aliens.”Person 2: “ Right, do the girl ones have titties?”Person: “ What!?”Person: [loudly] “ DO THE GIRL ALIENS
captioned-vines: {why we’ve gotten nowhere with aliens by lily zella}Person 1: “ Sir, we have some information about the aliens.”Person 2: “ Right, do the girl ones have titties?”Person: “ What!?”Person: [loudly] “ DO THE GIRL ALIENS
captioned-vines: {why we’ve gotten nowhere with aliens by lily zella}Person 1: “ Sir, we have some information about the aliens.”Person 2: “ Right, do the girl ones have titties?”Person: “ What!?”Person: [loudly] “ DO THE GIRL ALIENS