imsirius: “There are things that come along with getting older. You get really good at not taking things personally. When you see people acting or behaving a certain way, you don’t do what you did in your 20s, which is assume it’s because of
imsirius: “There are things that come along with getting older. You get really good at not taking things personally. When you see people acting or behaving a certain way, you don’t do what you did in your 20s, which is assume it’s because of
imsirius: “There are things that come along with getting older. You get really good at not taking things personally. When you see people acting or behaving a certain way, you don’t do what you did in your 20s, which is assume it’s because of
imsirius: “There are things that come along with getting older. You get really good at not taking things personally. When you see people acting or behaving a certain way, you don’t do what you did in your 20s, which is assume it’s because of
imsirius: “There are things that come along with getting older. You get really good at not taking things personally. When you see people acting or behaving a certain way, you don’t do what you did in your 20s, which is assume it’s because of