amyreedustein: forevercryingbecausemerlin: shakespeareintellectualbadass: DEANS FACE AT THE END OF THE GIF OMG he wanted to LARP so bad I can’t even He was waiting for her to ask and she did. If they aren’t your brotp then you’re wrong
amyreedustein: forevercryingbecausemerlin: shakespeareintellectualbadass: DEANS FACE AT THE END OF THE GIF OMG he wanted to LARP so bad I can’t even He was waiting for her to ask and she did. If they aren’t your brotp then you’re wrong
amyreedustein: forevercryingbecausemerlin: shakespeareintellectualbadass: DEANS FACE AT THE END OF THE GIF OMG he wanted to LARP so bad I can’t even He was waiting for her to ask and she did. If they aren’t your brotp then you’re wrong