slipintothewater: #this is why stiles does not need werewolf abilities #he’s already dangerous as a human#a human who is too observant #too practiced at manipulation #and too pragmatic#a human who can and will sit down next to you #give you the
slipintothewater: #this is why stiles does not need werewolf abilities #he’s already dangerous as a human#a human who is too observant #too practiced at manipulation #and too pragmatic#a human who can and will sit down next to you #give you the
slipintothewater: #this is why stiles does not need werewolf abilities #he’s already dangerous as a human#a human who is too observant #too practiced at manipulation #and too pragmatic#a human who can and will sit down next to you #give you the
slipintothewater: #this is why stiles does not need werewolf abilities #he’s already dangerous as a human#a human who is too observant #too practiced at manipulation #and too pragmatic#a human who can and will sit down next to you #give you the
slipintothewater: #this is why stiles does not need werewolf abilities #he’s already dangerous as a human#a human who is too observant #too practiced at manipulation #and too pragmatic#a human who can and will sit down next to you #give you the