elskay-deactivated20200804: antihero an·ti·he·ro - noun, plural an·ti·he·roes: a protagonist who has no heroic virtues or qualities (such as being morally good, idealistic, courageous, noble, and possessing fortitude) blurring the line between
elskay-deactivated20200804: antihero an·ti·he·ro - noun, plural an·ti·he·roes: a protagonist who has no heroic virtues or qualities (such as being morally good, idealistic, courageous, noble, and possessing fortitude) blurring the line between
elskay-deactivated20200804: antihero an·ti·he·ro - noun, plural an·ti·he·roes: a protagonist who has no heroic virtues or qualities (such as being morally good, idealistic, courageous, noble, and possessing fortitude) blurring the line between