holywatersupersoakers: #The best thing about this is that he knows exactly what he’s doing #There is no way that he thinks Sam is one of his sons #or that hitting on with a plunger would do anything #It’s like he just went #’This is my only chance.’
holywatersupersoakers: #The best thing about this is that he knows exactly what he’s doing #There is no way that he thinks Sam is one of his sons #or that hitting on with a plunger would do anything #It’s like he just went #’This is my only chance.’
holywatersupersoakers: #The best thing about this is that he knows exactly what he’s doing #There is no way that he thinks Sam is one of his sons #or that hitting on with a plunger would do anything #It’s like he just went #’This is my only chance.’
holywatersupersoakers: #The best thing about this is that he knows exactly what he’s doing #There is no way that he thinks Sam is one of his sons #or that hitting on with a plunger would do anything #It’s like he just went #’This is my only chance.’
holywatersupersoakers: #The best thing about this is that he knows exactly what he’s doing #There is no way that he thinks Sam is one of his sons #or that hitting on with a plunger would do anything #It’s like he just went #’This is my only chance.’
holywatersupersoakers: #The best thing about this is that he knows exactly what he’s doing #There is no way that he thinks Sam is one of his sons #or that hitting on with a plunger would do anything #It’s like he just went #’This is my only chance.’
holywatersupersoakers: #The best thing about this is that he knows exactly what he’s doing #There is no way that he thinks Sam is one of his sons #or that hitting on with a plunger would do anything #It’s like he just went #’This is my only chance.’