mechamonkeyz: mechamonkeyz: A thing 43 scary light man (another drawing and maybe colors 4 this tomorrow) edit: colors (thanks to the all knowing dentol for teaching me the ways of edit then reblog intead of my reblog fuk up then put link method)
mechamonkeyz: mechamonkeyz: A thing 43 scary light man (another drawing and maybe colors 4 this tomorrow) edit: colors (thanks to the all knowing dentol for teaching me the ways of edit then reblog intead of my reblog fuk up then put link method)
mechamonkeyz: mechamonkeyz: A thing 43 scary light man (another drawing and maybe colors 4 this tomorrow) edit: colors (thanks to the all knowing dentol for teaching me the ways of edit then reblog intead of my reblog fuk up then put link method)