limebreaker: Adoptable. This is Tailia, the slithery slithery snake. She may be short, but good fucking lord is she long. Like, seriously, the tape measure wasn’t long enough. Shit, we can’t even get all of her into one room. We have confirmed that
limebreaker: Adoptable. This is Tailia, the slithery slithery snake. She may be short, but good fucking lord is she long. Like, seriously, the tape measure wasn’t long enough. Shit, we can’t even get all of her into one room. We have confirmed that
limebreaker: Adoptable. This is Tailia, the slithery slithery snake. She may be short, but good fucking lord is she long. Like, seriously, the tape measure wasn’t long enough. Shit, we can’t even get all of her into one room. We have confirmed that