limebreaker: Aderpt.This is Sprinkles, the asymmetrically adorable chimera! She may be an unholy abomination of fused flesh and garish colours, but she’s got a kind heart.Well, two hearts, but who’s counting? Bid for her over on FA, HERE!
limebreaker: Aderpt.This is Sprinkles, the asymmetrically adorable chimera! She may be an unholy abomination of fused flesh and garish colours, but she’s got a kind heart.Well, two hearts, but who’s counting? Bid for her over on FA, HERE!
limebreaker: Aderpt.This is Sprinkles, the asymmetrically adorable chimera! She may be an unholy abomination of fused flesh and garish colours, but she’s got a kind heart.Well, two hearts, but who’s counting? Bid for her over on FA, HERE!