amjayes: “You always need to have a little bit in reserve, a margin for error. If you do go off, then let’s say the run off is going to be very soft for a while but there will be a very heavy landing waiting for you!” - Ari Vatanen on Pikes
amjayes: “You always need to have a little bit in reserve, a margin for error. If you do go off, then let’s say the run off is going to be very soft for a while but there will be a very heavy landing waiting for you!” - Ari Vatanen on Pikes
amjayes: “You always need to have a little bit in reserve, a margin for error. If you do go off, then let’s say the run off is going to be very soft for a while but there will be a very heavy landing waiting for you!” - Ari Vatanen on Pikes