kirstinthereckless: proudofbeingcrazy: THIS IS MARRIAGE!! Thats right! Permission to be a bad ass. Nod. He looks back at the guy like, “SEE THAT? SHE SAID YES. YOU’RE SO FUCKED.” My god that comment All marriages should be like this one…
kirstinthereckless: proudofbeingcrazy: THIS IS MARRIAGE!! Thats right! Permission to be a bad ass. Nod. He looks back at the guy like, “SEE THAT? SHE SAID YES. YOU’RE SO FUCKED.” My god that comment All marriages should be like this one…
kirstinthereckless: proudofbeingcrazy: THIS IS MARRIAGE!! Thats right! Permission to be a bad ass. Nod. He looks back at the guy like, “SEE THAT? SHE SAID YES. YOU’RE SO FUCKED.” My god that comment All marriages should be like this one…