seoules: “Everyone was together: trained together, ate together, when we cried we cried together, when we sweat we sweat together. So there’s a lot of things that are hard to forget.” - Wu Yi Fan Stay Strong EXO, Wu Yi Fan, and the EXO Fandom
seoules: “Everyone was together: trained together, ate together, when we cried we cried together, when we sweat we sweat together. So there’s a lot of things that are hard to forget.” - Wu Yi Fan Stay Strong EXO, Wu Yi Fan, and the EXO Fandom
seoules: “Everyone was together: trained together, ate together, when we cried we cried together, when we sweat we sweat together. So there’s a lot of things that are hard to forget.” - Wu Yi Fan Stay Strong EXO, Wu Yi Fan, and the EXO Fandom
seoules: “Everyone was together: trained together, ate together, when we cried we cried together, when we sweat we sweat together. So there’s a lot of things that are hard to forget.” - Wu Yi Fan Stay Strong EXO, Wu Yi Fan, and the EXO Fandom
seoules: “Everyone was together: trained together, ate together, when we cried we cried together, when we sweat we sweat together. So there’s a lot of things that are hard to forget.” - Wu Yi Fan Stay Strong EXO, Wu Yi Fan, and the EXO Fandom
seoules: “Everyone was together: trained together, ate together, when we cried we cried together, when we sweat we sweat together. So there’s a lot of things that are hard to forget.” - Wu Yi Fan Stay Strong EXO, Wu Yi Fan, and the EXO Fandom
seoules: “Everyone was together: trained together, ate together, when we cried we cried together, when we sweat we sweat together. So there’s a lot of things that are hard to forget.” - Wu Yi Fan Stay Strong EXO, Wu Yi Fan, and the EXO Fandom