burnittothegroundrp: JUDE SULLIVAN | 20 | THE GREASERS | EVAN PETERS “I’ve made mistakes, but I’ll find my way. There’s no explanation for the things I’ve failed at before. They can’t hold my hand. It just hurts to be a man, through the
burnittothegroundrp: JUDE SULLIVAN | 20 | THE GREASERS | EVAN PETERS “I’ve made mistakes, but I’ll find my way. There’s no explanation for the things I’ve failed at before. They can’t hold my hand. It just hurts to be a man, through the
burnittothegroundrp: JUDE SULLIVAN | 20 | THE GREASERS | EVAN PETERS “I’ve made mistakes, but I’ll find my way. There’s no explanation for the things I’ve failed at before. They can’t hold my hand. It just hurts to be a man, through the