deviantdisplay: Princess. Pet shows off the latest addition to his wardrobe—a frilly little garter belt. What do you think? I’m blown away at how sexy he looks in black lace. -Mistress
deviantdisplay: Princess. Pet shows off the latest addition to his wardrobe—a frilly little garter belt. What do you think? I’m blown away at how sexy he looks in black lace. -Mistress
deviantdisplay: Princess. Pet shows off the latest addition to his wardrobe—a frilly little garter belt. What do you think? I’m blown away at how sexy he looks in black lace. -Mistress
deviantdisplay: Princess. Pet shows off the latest addition to his wardrobe—a frilly little garter belt. What do you think? I’m blown away at how sexy he looks in black lace. -Mistress