mach-d:Convicts are fitted with heavy permanent shackles as shown here. Once fitted these can not be removed. Even when not chained to something (as here ) they are a constant reminder that you are a prisoner - little better than a slave.
mach-d:Convicts are fitted with heavy permanent shackles as shown here. Once fitted these can not be removed. Even when not chained to something (as here ) they are a constant reminder that you are a prisoner - little better than a slave.
mach-d:Convicts are fitted with heavy permanent shackles as shown here. Once fitted these can not be removed. Even when not chained to something (as here ) they are a constant reminder that you are a prisoner - little better than a slave.
mach-d:Convicts are fitted with heavy permanent shackles as shown here. Once fitted these can not be removed. Even when not chained to something (as here ) they are a constant reminder that you are a prisoner - little better than a slave.