denpasei: Yowapeda Daycare Pencil bag is up for pre-order!! ^o^)/ I can’t actually guarantee that I’ll have these before I leave for Anime Expo (I’ve got my fingers crossed…) They’ll definitely be available to ship right after AX though.
denpasei: Yowapeda Daycare Pencil bag is up for pre-order!! ^o^)/ I can’t actually guarantee that I’ll have these before I leave for Anime Expo (I’ve got my fingers crossed…) They’ll definitely be available to ship right after AX though.
denpasei: Yowapeda Daycare Pencil bag is up for pre-order!! ^o^)/ I can’t actually guarantee that I’ll have these before I leave for Anime Expo (I’ve got my fingers crossed…) They’ll definitely be available to ship right after AX though.