nachtfaust: How dare you disrespect HOMRA?! That’s right, Misaki. So instead of just laughing like a fool, watch what I’m going to become! Fucking traitor! I’ll kill you!
nachtfaust: How dare you disrespect HOMRA?! That’s right, Misaki. So instead of just laughing like a fool, watch what I’m going to become! Fucking traitor! I’ll kill you!
nachtfaust: How dare you disrespect HOMRA?! That’s right, Misaki. So instead of just laughing like a fool, watch what I’m going to become! Fucking traitor! I’ll kill you!
nachtfaust: How dare you disrespect HOMRA?! That’s right, Misaki. So instead of just laughing like a fool, watch what I’m going to become! Fucking traitor! I’ll kill you!
nachtfaust: How dare you disrespect HOMRA?! That’s right, Misaki. So instead of just laughing like a fool, watch what I’m going to become! Fucking traitor! I’ll kill you!