postwhitesociety: idilardayacad: *White persons at 14 says n*gg*r* THEY’RE TOO YOUNG TO UNDERSTAND *white person at 26 says n*gg*r* PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES *white person at 94 says n*gg*r” THEY GREW UP IN A DIFFERENT TIME *7 year old is sleeping*
postwhitesociety: idilardayacad: *White persons at 14 says n*gg*r* THEY’RE TOO YOUNG TO UNDERSTAND *white person at 26 says n*gg*r* PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES *white person at 94 says n*gg*r” THEY GREW UP IN A DIFFERENT TIME *7 year old is sleeping*
postwhitesociety: idilardayacad: *White persons at 14 says n*gg*r* THEY’RE TOO YOUNG TO UNDERSTAND *white person at 26 says n*gg*r* PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES *white person at 94 says n*gg*r” THEY GREW UP IN A DIFFERENT TIME *7 year old is sleeping*
postwhitesociety: idilardayacad: *White persons at 14 says n*gg*r* THEY’RE TOO YOUNG TO UNDERSTAND *white person at 26 says n*gg*r* PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES *white person at 94 says n*gg*r” THEY GREW UP IN A DIFFERENT TIME *7 year old is sleeping*
postwhitesociety: idilardayacad: *White persons at 14 says n*gg*r* THEY’RE TOO YOUNG TO UNDERSTAND *white person at 26 says n*gg*r* PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES *white person at 94 says n*gg*r” THEY GREW UP IN A DIFFERENT TIME *7 year old is sleeping*
postwhitesociety: idilardayacad: *White persons at 14 says n*gg*r* THEY’RE TOO YOUNG TO UNDERSTAND *white person at 26 says n*gg*r* PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES *white person at 94 says n*gg*r” THEY GREW UP IN A DIFFERENT TIME *7 year old is sleeping*
postwhitesociety: idilardayacad: *White persons at 14 says n*gg*r* THEY’RE TOO YOUNG TO UNDERSTAND *white person at 26 says n*gg*r* PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES *white person at 94 says n*gg*r” THEY GREW UP IN A DIFFERENT TIME *7 year old is sleeping*
postwhitesociety: idilardayacad: *White persons at 14 says n*gg*r* THEY’RE TOO YOUNG TO UNDERSTAND *white person at 26 says n*gg*r* PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES *white person at 94 says n*gg*r” THEY GREW UP IN A DIFFERENT TIME *7 year old is sleeping*
postwhitesociety: idilardayacad: *White persons at 14 says n*gg*r* THEY’RE TOO YOUNG TO UNDERSTAND *white person at 26 says n*gg*r* PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES *white person at 94 says n*gg*r” THEY GREW UP IN A DIFFERENT TIME *7 year old is sleeping*
postwhitesociety: idilardayacad: *White persons at 14 says n*gg*r* THEY’RE TOO YOUNG TO UNDERSTAND *white person at 26 says n*gg*r* PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES *white person at 94 says n*gg*r” THEY GREW UP IN A DIFFERENT TIME *7 year old is sleeping*
postwhitesociety: idilardayacad: *White persons at 14 says n*gg*r* THEY’RE TOO YOUNG TO UNDERSTAND *white person at 26 says n*gg*r* PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES *white person at 94 says n*gg*r” THEY GREW UP IN A DIFFERENT TIME *7 year old is sleeping*