whatgirlsarefor: what2thinkofwomen: When guys line up to offer you a drink #justgirlythings—Enjoy your champagne you fucking whore. a toast to feminism
whatgirlsarefor: what2thinkofwomen: When guys line up to offer you a drink #justgirlythings—Enjoy your champagne you fucking whore. a toast to feminism
whatgirlsarefor: what2thinkofwomen: When guys line up to offer you a drink #justgirlythings—Enjoy your champagne you fucking whore. a toast to feminism
whatgirlsarefor: what2thinkofwomen: When guys line up to offer you a drink #justgirlythings—Enjoy your champagne you fucking whore. a toast to feminism
whatgirlsarefor: what2thinkofwomen: When guys line up to offer you a drink #justgirlythings—Enjoy your champagne you fucking whore. a toast to feminism