spookyfbi: thexfilesgifs: I Want to Believe // 10x01 My Struggle Other male protags: this is just something I have to do on my own. Fox Mulder: listen my dude yes the X-Files is my life’s work and the thing I dedicated myself to for the entire series
spookyfbi: thexfilesgifs: I Want to Believe // 10x01 My Struggle Other male protags: this is just something I have to do on my own. Fox Mulder: listen my dude yes the X-Files is my life’s work and the thing I dedicated myself to for the entire series
spookyfbi: thexfilesgifs: I Want to Believe // 10x01 My Struggle Other male protags: this is just something I have to do on my own. Fox Mulder: listen my dude yes the X-Files is my life’s work and the thing I dedicated myself to for the entire series
spookyfbi: thexfilesgifs: I Want to Believe // 10x01 My Struggle Other male protags: this is just something I have to do on my own. Fox Mulder: listen my dude yes the X-Files is my life’s work and the thing I dedicated myself to for the entire series
spookyfbi: thexfilesgifs: I Want to Believe // 10x01 My Struggle Other male protags: this is just something I have to do on my own. Fox Mulder: listen my dude yes the X-Files is my life’s work and the thing I dedicated myself to for the entire series