really, Golden Girls was so far ahead of it’s time. i’m so glad i grew up watching it. (and it’s still great to watch on DVD…yes, i have the whole series.) ;o)
really, Golden Girls was so far ahead of it’s time. i’m so glad i grew up watching it. (and it’s still great to watch on DVD…yes, i have the whole series.) ;o)
really, Golden Girls was so far ahead of it’s time. i’m so glad i grew up watching it. (and it’s still great to watch on DVD…yes, i have the whole series.) ;o)
really, Golden Girls was so far ahead of it’s time. i’m so glad i grew up watching it. (and it’s still great to watch on DVD…yes, i have the whole series.) ;o)
really, Golden Girls was so far ahead of it’s time. i’m so glad i grew up watching it. (and it’s still great to watch on DVD…yes, i have the whole series.) ;o)