0ci0: zeppelis: wasd-ozu: That guy who wrote that Sakura Trick article on Kotaku is the same guy who praised SAO as being “the Smartest Anime I’ve seen in Years” and criticized Watamote for being mean-spirited against Tomoko and people who are
0ci0: zeppelis: wasd-ozu: That guy who wrote that Sakura Trick article on Kotaku is the same guy who praised SAO as being “the Smartest Anime I’ve seen in Years” and criticized Watamote for being mean-spirited against Tomoko and people who are
0ci0: zeppelis: wasd-ozu: That guy who wrote that Sakura Trick article on Kotaku is the same guy who praised SAO as being “the Smartest Anime I’ve seen in Years” and criticized Watamote for being mean-spirited against Tomoko and people who are
0ci0: zeppelis: wasd-ozu: That guy who wrote that Sakura Trick article on Kotaku is the same guy who praised SAO as being “the Smartest Anime I’ve seen in Years” and criticized Watamote for being mean-spirited against Tomoko and people who are