lightning-wind: 18-21 February had become dark days for my country we have lost approximately one hundred innocent citizens that were brutally murdered by their own government. They were named “Heaven’s Hundred” (ukr. Небесна сотня)
lightning-wind: 18-21 February had become dark days for my country we have lost approximately one hundred innocent citizens that were brutally murdered by their own government. They were named “Heaven’s Hundred” (ukr. Небесна сотня)
lightning-wind: 18-21 February had become dark days for my country we have lost approximately one hundred innocent citizens that were brutally murdered by their own government. They were named “Heaven’s Hundred” (ukr. Небесна сотня)
lightning-wind: 18-21 February had become dark days for my country we have lost approximately one hundred innocent citizens that were brutally murdered by their own government. They were named “Heaven’s Hundred” (ukr. Небесна сотня)
lightning-wind: 18-21 February had become dark days for my country we have lost approximately one hundred innocent citizens that were brutally murdered by their own government. They were named “Heaven’s Hundred” (ukr. Небесна сотня)
lightning-wind: 18-21 February had become dark days for my country we have lost approximately one hundred innocent citizens that were brutally murdered by their own government. They were named “Heaven’s Hundred” (ukr. Небесна сотня)
lightning-wind: 18-21 February had become dark days for my country we have lost approximately one hundred innocent citizens that were brutally murdered by their own government. They were named “Heaven’s Hundred” (ukr. Небесна сотня)
lightning-wind: 18-21 February had become dark days for my country we have lost approximately one hundred innocent citizens that were brutally murdered by their own government. They were named “Heaven’s Hundred” (ukr. Небесна сотня)
lightning-wind: 18-21 February had become dark days for my country we have lost approximately one hundred innocent citizens that were brutally murdered by their own government. They were named “Heaven’s Hundred” (ukr. Небесна сотня)
lightning-wind: 18-21 February had become dark days for my country we have lost approximately one hundred innocent citizens that were brutally murdered by their own government. They were named “Heaven’s Hundred” (ukr. Небесна сотня)