konysenpai: ammarmali: That half-hearted struggle to stop your relatives from giving you money. “No no, really no, I won’t take it, please no…okay thanks.”
konysenpai: ammarmali: That half-hearted struggle to stop your relatives from giving you money. “No no, really no, I won’t take it, please no…okay thanks.”
konysenpai: ammarmali: That half-hearted struggle to stop your relatives from giving you money. “No no, really no, I won’t take it, please no…okay thanks.”
konysenpai: ammarmali: That half-hearted struggle to stop your relatives from giving you money. “No no, really no, I won’t take it, please no…okay thanks.”
konysenpai: ammarmali: That half-hearted struggle to stop your relatives from giving you money. “No no, really no, I won’t take it, please no…okay thanks.”
konysenpai: ammarmali: That half-hearted struggle to stop your relatives from giving you money. “No no, really no, I won’t take it, please no…okay thanks.”
konysenpai: ammarmali: That half-hearted struggle to stop your relatives from giving you money. “No no, really no, I won’t take it, please no…okay thanks.”
konysenpai: ammarmali: That half-hearted struggle to stop your relatives from giving you money. “No no, really no, I won’t take it, please no…okay thanks.”
konysenpai: ammarmali: That half-hearted struggle to stop your relatives from giving you money. “No no, really no, I won’t take it, please no…okay thanks.”
konysenpai: ammarmali: That half-hearted struggle to stop your relatives from giving you money. “No no, really no, I won’t take it, please no…okay thanks.”
konysenpai: ammarmali: That half-hearted struggle to stop your relatives from giving you money. “No no, really no, I won’t take it, please no…okay thanks.”
konysenpai: ammarmali: That half-hearted struggle to stop your relatives from giving you money. “No no, really no, I won’t take it, please no…okay thanks.”