bluesey: 7knotwind: KEVIN TOWNSEND drawing room no.1 (domestic imposition)12 hour, unfixed chalk drawing on 7 blackboard panels (assembled as a 6’ x 6’ x 6’ 8” room for 36 hours)Each unfixed chalk line is a tendril of time; temporal, fragile
bluesey: 7knotwind: KEVIN TOWNSEND drawing room no.1 (domestic imposition)12 hour, unfixed chalk drawing on 7 blackboard panels (assembled as a 6’ x 6’ x 6’ 8” room for 36 hours)Each unfixed chalk line is a tendril of time; temporal, fragile
bluesey: 7knotwind: KEVIN TOWNSEND drawing room no.1 (domestic imposition)12 hour, unfixed chalk drawing on 7 blackboard panels (assembled as a 6’ x 6’ x 6’ 8” room for 36 hours)Each unfixed chalk line is a tendril of time; temporal, fragile
bluesey: 7knotwind: KEVIN TOWNSEND drawing room no.1 (domestic imposition)12 hour, unfixed chalk drawing on 7 blackboard panels (assembled as a 6’ x 6’ x 6’ 8” room for 36 hours)Each unfixed chalk line is a tendril of time; temporal, fragile
bluesey: 7knotwind: KEVIN TOWNSEND drawing room no.1 (domestic imposition)12 hour, unfixed chalk drawing on 7 blackboard panels (assembled as a 6’ x 6’ x 6’ 8” room for 36 hours)Each unfixed chalk line is a tendril of time; temporal, fragile
bluesey: 7knotwind: KEVIN TOWNSEND drawing room no.1 (domestic imposition)12 hour, unfixed chalk drawing on 7 blackboard panels (assembled as a 6’ x 6’ x 6’ 8” room for 36 hours)Each unfixed chalk line is a tendril of time; temporal, fragile
bluesey: 7knotwind: KEVIN TOWNSEND drawing room no.1 (domestic imposition)12 hour, unfixed chalk drawing on 7 blackboard panels (assembled as a 6’ x 6’ x 6’ 8” room for 36 hours)Each unfixed chalk line is a tendril of time; temporal, fragile
bluesey: 7knotwind: KEVIN TOWNSEND drawing room no.1 (domestic imposition)12 hour, unfixed chalk drawing on 7 blackboard panels (assembled as a 6’ x 6’ x 6’ 8” room for 36 hours)Each unfixed chalk line is a tendril of time; temporal, fragile