victorianfanguide: Costume designs by William Charles Pitcher (also known as Wilhelm) for a production of the pantomime Dick Whittington which was performed at the Crystal Palace on 24th December 1890. Pantomime was a hugely popular form of entertainment
victorianfanguide: Costume designs by William Charles Pitcher (also known as Wilhelm) for a production of the pantomime Dick Whittington which was performed at the Crystal Palace on 24th December 1890. Pantomime was a hugely popular form of entertainment
victorianfanguide: Costume designs by William Charles Pitcher (also known as Wilhelm) for a production of the pantomime Dick Whittington which was performed at the Crystal Palace on 24th December 1890. Pantomime was a hugely popular form of entertainment
victorianfanguide: Costume designs by William Charles Pitcher (also known as Wilhelm) for a production of the pantomime Dick Whittington which was performed at the Crystal Palace on 24th December 1890. Pantomime was a hugely popular form of entertainment
victorianfanguide: Costume designs by William Charles Pitcher (also known as Wilhelm) for a production of the pantomime Dick Whittington which was performed at the Crystal Palace on 24th December 1890. Pantomime was a hugely popular form of entertainment
victorianfanguide: Costume designs by William Charles Pitcher (also known as Wilhelm) for a production of the pantomime Dick Whittington which was performed at the Crystal Palace on 24th December 1890. Pantomime was a hugely popular form of entertainment
victorianfanguide: Costume designs by William Charles Pitcher (also known as Wilhelm) for a production of the pantomime Dick Whittington which was performed at the Crystal Palace on 24th December 1890. Pantomime was a hugely popular form of entertainment