lasertagandcigars-blog: ‘Neil also has a joke where, when the gang’s eating take-out, Barney can never get the food to his mouth while eating with chopsticks…’ —craig thomas (quote)(video)
lasertagandcigars-blog: ‘Neil also has a joke where, when the gang’s eating take-out, Barney can never get the food to his mouth while eating with chopsticks…’ —craig thomas (quote)(video)
lasertagandcigars-blog: ‘Neil also has a joke where, when the gang’s eating take-out, Barney can never get the food to his mouth while eating with chopsticks…’ —craig thomas (quote)(video)
lasertagandcigars-blog: ‘Neil also has a joke where, when the gang’s eating take-out, Barney can never get the food to his mouth while eating with chopsticks…’ —craig thomas (quote)(video)
lasertagandcigars-blog: ‘Neil also has a joke where, when the gang’s eating take-out, Barney can never get the food to his mouth while eating with chopsticks…’ —craig thomas (quote)(video)
lasertagandcigars-blog: ‘Neil also has a joke where, when the gang’s eating take-out, Barney can never get the food to his mouth while eating with chopsticks…’ —craig thomas (quote)(video)
lasertagandcigars-blog: ‘Neil also has a joke where, when the gang’s eating take-out, Barney can never get the food to his mouth while eating with chopsticks…’ —craig thomas (quote)(video)