crypdoezoology: i’m laughing so hard he’s asking the ghost all the questions and it’s giving answers using the one beep/two beep system, then he asks if it’s a boy or a girl and it just starts screaming
crypdoezoology: i’m laughing so hard he’s asking the ghost all the questions and it’s giving answers using the one beep/two beep system, then he asks if it’s a boy or a girl and it just starts screaming
crypdoezoology: i’m laughing so hard he’s asking the ghost all the questions and it’s giving answers using the one beep/two beep system, then he asks if it’s a boy or a girl and it just starts screaming
crypdoezoology: i’m laughing so hard he’s asking the ghost all the questions and it’s giving answers using the one beep/two beep system, then he asks if it’s a boy or a girl and it just starts screaming