apersnicketylemon: confuesedmortal: Can we just talk about how this kid puts every pro choice argument I’ve ever heard to shame? LMAO NO SHE REALLY DOESN’T Here’s why 1. A fetus is not sentient or aware and doesn’t care about whether it gets
apersnicketylemon: confuesedmortal: Can we just talk about how this kid puts every pro choice argument I’ve ever heard to shame? LMAO NO SHE REALLY DOESN’T Here’s why 1. A fetus is not sentient or aware and doesn’t care about whether it gets
apersnicketylemon: confuesedmortal: Can we just talk about how this kid puts every pro choice argument I’ve ever heard to shame? LMAO NO SHE REALLY DOESN’T Here’s why 1. A fetus is not sentient or aware and doesn’t care about whether it gets