teacroft: i want to know mORE about john what was he doing when he was shot WHAT IS HIS FAMILY LIKE why did he chose to join the army whAT ABOUT SHOLTO MOR E ABOUT SHOLTO i want to see him and harry interact i want to see his scar and hIS TATTOOS HE
teacroft: i want to know mORE about john what was he doing when he was shot WHAT IS HIS FAMILY LIKE why did he chose to join the army whAT ABOUT SHOLTO MOR E ABOUT SHOLTO i want to see him and harry interact i want to see his scar and hIS TATTOOS HE
teacroft: i want to know mORE about john what was he doing when he was shot WHAT IS HIS FAMILY LIKE why did he chose to join the army whAT ABOUT SHOLTO MOR E ABOUT SHOLTO i want to see him and harry interact i want to see his scar and hIS TATTOOS HE