thegingerbatch: johnwatsonismyspiritanimal: stephenstrvnge: Sherlock is a drunk mess. Who totally enjoys the flippy, twirly motions of his coat and therefore will keep doing them every chance he gets the top right though is he literally twirling
thegingerbatch: johnwatsonismyspiritanimal: stephenstrvnge: Sherlock is a drunk mess. Who totally enjoys the flippy, twirly motions of his coat and therefore will keep doing them every chance he gets the top right though is he literally twirling
thegingerbatch: johnwatsonismyspiritanimal: stephenstrvnge: Sherlock is a drunk mess. Who totally enjoys the flippy, twirly motions of his coat and therefore will keep doing them every chance he gets the top right though is he literally twirling
thegingerbatch: johnwatsonismyspiritanimal: stephenstrvnge: Sherlock is a drunk mess. Who totally enjoys the flippy, twirly motions of his coat and therefore will keep doing them every chance he gets the top right though is he literally twirling
thegingerbatch: johnwatsonismyspiritanimal: stephenstrvnge: Sherlock is a drunk mess. Who totally enjoys the flippy, twirly motions of his coat and therefore will keep doing them every chance he gets the top right though is he literally twirling