thescienceofjohnlock: humbledoctorwatson: willtherealpleasestandup: crumplesack-candlestick: my-rise-of-the-fallen-sociopaths: God, please tell me they will get hella drunk Dear Santa,Let them get hella drunk and make out. I want to see them drunk
thescienceofjohnlock: humbledoctorwatson: willtherealpleasestandup: crumplesack-candlestick: my-rise-of-the-fallen-sociopaths: God, please tell me they will get hella drunk Dear Santa,Let them get hella drunk and make out. I want to see them drunk
thescienceofjohnlock: humbledoctorwatson: willtherealpleasestandup: crumplesack-candlestick: my-rise-of-the-fallen-sociopaths: God, please tell me they will get hella drunk Dear Santa,Let them get hella drunk and make out. I want to see them drunk
thescienceofjohnlock: humbledoctorwatson: willtherealpleasestandup: crumplesack-candlestick: my-rise-of-the-fallen-sociopaths: God, please tell me they will get hella drunk Dear Santa,Let them get hella drunk and make out. I want to see them drunk
thescienceofjohnlock: humbledoctorwatson: willtherealpleasestandup: crumplesack-candlestick: my-rise-of-the-fallen-sociopaths: God, please tell me they will get hella drunk Dear Santa,Let them get hella drunk and make out. I want to see them drunk