keepcalmandthunderfrost: thoki4ever: : Do you know who you’re sitting with? (x) THEY SAIL THEIR OWN SHIP AS THE CAP-PI-TONS ON THEIR MAIDEN VOYAG—-I should probably stop now and get ready for work. Look at the face he makes this bastard
keepcalmandthunderfrost: thoki4ever: : Do you know who you’re sitting with? (x) THEY SAIL THEIR OWN SHIP AS THE CAP-PI-TONS ON THEIR MAIDEN VOYAG—-I should probably stop now and get ready for work. Look at the face he makes this bastard
keepcalmandthunderfrost: thoki4ever: : Do you know who you’re sitting with? (x) THEY SAIL THEIR OWN SHIP AS THE CAP-PI-TONS ON THEIR MAIDEN VOYAG—-I should probably stop now and get ready for work. Look at the face he makes this bastard