CLANK! I jolted from my sleep at the sound of someone in my kitchen, and when I tried to sit up, I realized I’d been handcuffed to my headboard. “What the fuck?” I whispered to myself, eyes wide as saucers. “He—” I was about to scream for
CLANK! I jolted from my sleep at the sound of someone in my kitchen, and when I tried to sit up, I realized I’d been handcuffed to my headboard. “What the fuck?” I whispered to myself, eyes wide as saucers. “He—” I was about to scream for
CLANK! I jolted from my sleep at the sound of someone in my kitchen, and when I tried to sit up, I realized I’d been handcuffed to my headboard. “What the fuck?” I whispered to myself, eyes wide as saucers. “He—” I was about to scream for
CLANK! I jolted from my sleep at the sound of someone in my kitchen, and when I tried to sit up, I realized I’d been handcuffed to my headboard. “What the fuck?” I whispered to myself, eyes wide as saucers. “He—” I was about to scream for
CLANK! I jolted from my sleep at the sound of someone in my kitchen, and when I tried to sit up, I realized I’d been handcuffed to my headboard. “What the fuck?” I whispered to myself, eyes wide as saucers. “He—” I was about to scream for
CLANK! I jolted from my sleep at the sound of someone in my kitchen, and when I tried to sit up, I realized I’d been handcuffed to my headboard. “What the fuck?” I whispered to myself, eyes wide as saucers. “He—” I was about to scream for
CLANK! I jolted from my sleep at the sound of someone in my kitchen, and when I tried to sit up, I realized I’d been handcuffed to my headboard. “What the fuck?” I whispered to myself, eyes wide as saucers. “He—” I was about to scream for
CLANK! I jolted from my sleep at the sound of someone in my kitchen, and when I tried to sit up, I realized I’d been handcuffed to my headboard. “What the fuck?” I whispered to myself, eyes wide as saucers. “He—” I was about to scream for