earthdad: me: no one will ever love me you: why not? me: no reason *a single bee flies out my ear* you: tell me me: i am made of bees!!!!!!!!!! *thousands of bees packed together disperse from where my body once stood and attack the town*
earthdad: me: no one will ever love me you: why not? me: no reason *a single bee flies out my ear* you: tell me me: i am made of bees!!!!!!!!!! *thousands of bees packed together disperse from where my body once stood and attack the town*
earthdad: me: no one will ever love me you: why not? me: no reason *a single bee flies out my ear* you: tell me me: i am made of bees!!!!!!!!!! *thousands of bees packed together disperse from where my body once stood and attack the town*
earthdad: me: no one will ever love me you: why not? me: no reason *a single bee flies out my ear* you: tell me me: i am made of bees!!!!!!!!!! *thousands of bees packed together disperse from where my body once stood and attack the town*
earthdad: me: no one will ever love me you: why not? me: no reason *a single bee flies out my ear* you: tell me me: i am made of bees!!!!!!!!!! *thousands of bees packed together disperse from where my body once stood and attack the town*
earthdad: me: no one will ever love me you: why not? me: no reason *a single bee flies out my ear* you: tell me me: i am made of bees!!!!!!!!!! *thousands of bees packed together disperse from where my body once stood and attack the town*
earthdad: me: no one will ever love me you: why not? me: no reason *a single bee flies out my ear* you: tell me me: i am made of bees!!!!!!!!!! *thousands of bees packed together disperse from where my body once stood and attack the town*
earthdad: me: no one will ever love me you: why not? me: no reason *a single bee flies out my ear* you: tell me me: i am made of bees!!!!!!!!!! *thousands of bees packed together disperse from where my body once stood and attack the town*
earthdad: me: no one will ever love me you: why not? me: no reason *a single bee flies out my ear* you: tell me me: i am made of bees!!!!!!!!!! *thousands of bees packed together disperse from where my body once stood and attack the town*
earthdad: me: no one will ever love me you: why not? me: no reason *a single bee flies out my ear* you: tell me me: i am made of bees!!!!!!!!!! *thousands of bees packed together disperse from where my body once stood and attack the town*
earthdad: me: no one will ever love me you: why not? me: no reason *a single bee flies out my ear* you: tell me me: i am made of bees!!!!!!!!!! *thousands of bees packed together disperse from where my body once stood and attack the town*