dragonette-baggenette: fyraine: weteevee: parents when they can’t get a hold of you: “i called TWICE AND YOU DIDN’T PICK UP” me when i can’t get a hold of my parents: “I BROKE MY LEG. I CALLED UR CELL 11 TIMES, UR WORK PHONE 7 TIMES, AND
dragonette-baggenette: fyraine: weteevee: parents when they can’t get a hold of you: “i called TWICE AND YOU DIDN’T PICK UP” me when i can’t get a hold of my parents: “I BROKE MY LEG. I CALLED UR CELL 11 TIMES, UR WORK PHONE 7 TIMES, AND
dragonette-baggenette: fyraine: weteevee: parents when they can’t get a hold of you: “i called TWICE AND YOU DIDN’T PICK UP” me when i can’t get a hold of my parents: “I BROKE MY LEG. I CALLED UR CELL 11 TIMES, UR WORK PHONE 7 TIMES, AND