victoriousvocabulary: ANTHESTHESIA [noun] Informal: the sensation of feeling bouquets of flowers; feeling immersed in flowers. Etymology: from Greek anthos, “flower” + aesthesia, “sensation”. [flowwwer]
victoriousvocabulary: ANTHESTHESIA [noun] Informal: the sensation of feeling bouquets of flowers; feeling immersed in flowers. Etymology: from Greek anthos, “flower” + aesthesia, “sensation”. [flowwwer]
victoriousvocabulary: ANTHESTHESIA [noun] Informal: the sensation of feeling bouquets of flowers; feeling immersed in flowers. Etymology: from Greek anthos, “flower” + aesthesia, “sensation”. [flowwwer]
victoriousvocabulary: ANTHESTHESIA [noun] Informal: the sensation of feeling bouquets of flowers; feeling immersed in flowers. Etymology: from Greek anthos, “flower” + aesthesia, “sensation”. [flowwwer]
victoriousvocabulary: ANTHESTHESIA [noun] Informal: the sensation of feeling bouquets of flowers; feeling immersed in flowers. Etymology: from Greek anthos, “flower” + aesthesia, “sensation”. [flowwwer]