neptunain: surgeon generals warning: smoking cigarettes has been linked to always fucking referencing the fact that you smoke cigarettes in your poetry
neptunain: surgeon generals warning: smoking cigarettes has been linked to always fucking referencing the fact that you smoke cigarettes in your poetry
neptunain: surgeon generals warning: smoking cigarettes has been linked to always fucking referencing the fact that you smoke cigarettes in your poetry
neptunain: surgeon generals warning: smoking cigarettes has been linked to always fucking referencing the fact that you smoke cigarettes in your poetry
neptunain: surgeon generals warning: smoking cigarettes has been linked to always fucking referencing the fact that you smoke cigarettes in your poetry
neptunain: surgeon generals warning: smoking cigarettes has been linked to always fucking referencing the fact that you smoke cigarettes in your poetry
neptunain: surgeon generals warning: smoking cigarettes has been linked to always fucking referencing the fact that you smoke cigarettes in your poetry
neptunain: surgeon generals warning: smoking cigarettes has been linked to always fucking referencing the fact that you smoke cigarettes in your poetry
neptunain: surgeon generals warning: smoking cigarettes has been linked to always fucking referencing the fact that you smoke cigarettes in your poetry
neptunain: surgeon generals warning: smoking cigarettes has been linked to always fucking referencing the fact that you smoke cigarettes in your poetry
neptunain: surgeon generals warning: smoking cigarettes has been linked to always fucking referencing the fact that you smoke cigarettes in your poetry