carleybells: “THE BLACK KNIGHT ALWAYS TRIUMPHS!” one day i’ll get horribly injured and make this reference and if the paramedic doesn’t laugh just let me die
carleybells: “THE BLACK KNIGHT ALWAYS TRIUMPHS!” one day i’ll get horribly injured and make this reference and if the paramedic doesn’t laugh just let me die
carleybells: “THE BLACK KNIGHT ALWAYS TRIUMPHS!” one day i’ll get horribly injured and make this reference and if the paramedic doesn’t laugh just let me die
carleybells: “THE BLACK KNIGHT ALWAYS TRIUMPHS!” one day i’ll get horribly injured and make this reference and if the paramedic doesn’t laugh just let me die
carleybells: “THE BLACK KNIGHT ALWAYS TRIUMPHS!” one day i’ll get horribly injured and make this reference and if the paramedic doesn’t laugh just let me die