When you decide to die, little things begin to happen. You stop looking both ways before you cross the street, you start answering the door without asking who's there. You don't hold onto the railing when you go down the escalator, you play with matches.
When you decide to die, little things begin to happen. You stop looking both ways before you cross the street, you start answering the door without asking who's there. You don't hold onto the railing when you go down the escalator, you play with matches.
When you decide to die, little things begin to happen. You stop looking both ways before you cross the street, you start answering the door without asking who's there. You don't hold onto the railing when you go down the escalator, you play with matches.
When you decide to die, little things begin to happen. You stop looking both ways before you cross the street, you start answering the door without asking who's there. You don't hold onto the railing when you go down the escalator, you play with matches.
When you decide to die, little things begin to happen. You stop looking both ways before you cross the street, you start answering the door without asking who's there. You don't hold onto the railing when you go down the escalator, you play with matches.
When you decide to die, little things begin to happen. You stop looking both ways before you cross the street, you start answering the door without asking who's there. You don't hold onto the railing when you go down the escalator, you play with matches.
When you decide to die, little things begin to happen. You stop looking both ways before you cross the street, you start answering the door without asking who's there. You don't hold onto the railing when you go down the escalator, you play with matches.
When you decide to die, little things begin to happen. You stop looking both ways before you cross the street, you start answering the door without asking who's there. You don't hold onto the railing when you go down the escalator, you play with matches.
When you decide to die, little things begin to happen. You stop looking both ways before you cross the street, you start answering the door without asking who's there. You don't hold onto the railing when you go down the escalator, you play with matches.
When you decide to die, little things begin to happen. You stop looking both ways before you cross the street, you start answering the door without asking who's there. You don't hold onto the railing when you go down the escalator, you play with matches.