amelapond: an american is asked the date. he says “it’s 12/12/12”. someone british prepares themselves to disagree, however, is stuck by surprise. “oh my god, it’s 12/12/12 for me too!” he realizes. they smile at each other. for one day the
amelapond: an american is asked the date. he says “it’s 12/12/12”. someone british prepares themselves to disagree, however, is stuck by surprise. “oh my god, it’s 12/12/12 for me too!” he realizes. they smile at each other. for one day the
amelapond: an american is asked the date. he says “it’s 12/12/12”. someone british prepares themselves to disagree, however, is stuck by surprise. “oh my god, it’s 12/12/12 for me too!” he realizes. they smile at each other. for one day the