emmatavasci: fuck y'all that don’t want to hear about women and children being trafficked and prostituted and abused in the sex industry. fuck y'all that detach the harm and misery from such an experience by calling it “sex work”. fuck y'all
emmatavasci: fuck y'all that don’t want to hear about women and children being trafficked and prostituted and abused in the sex industry. fuck y'all that detach the harm and misery from such an experience by calling it “sex work”. fuck y'all
emmatavasci: fuck y'all that don’t want to hear about women and children being trafficked and prostituted and abused in the sex industry. fuck y'all that detach the harm and misery from such an experience by calling it “sex work”. fuck y'all
emmatavasci: fuck y'all that don’t want to hear about women and children being trafficked and prostituted and abused in the sex industry. fuck y'all that detach the harm and misery from such an experience by calling it “sex work”. fuck y'all