crpl-pnk: don’t stop inviting your disabled friends to do things because they usually say no, don’t stop trying to hang out with us because you assume we’re not up for it, don’t avoid us once you know we’re sick. i’ve lost so many friends
crpl-pnk: don’t stop inviting your disabled friends to do things because they usually say no, don’t stop trying to hang out with us because you assume we’re not up for it, don’t avoid us once you know we’re sick. i’ve lost so many friends
crpl-pnk: don’t stop inviting your disabled friends to do things because they usually say no, don’t stop trying to hang out with us because you assume we’re not up for it, don’t avoid us once you know we’re sick. i’ve lost so many friends
crpl-pnk: don’t stop inviting your disabled friends to do things because they usually say no, don’t stop trying to hang out with us because you assume we’re not up for it, don’t avoid us once you know we’re sick. i’ve lost so many friends