authoriting: Neurodivergent/disabled people do things when they’re alone that they don’t do in front of other people. When someone says they have/do certain symptoms/behaviours, do not argue that they don’t, just because you’ve never seen them
authoriting: Neurodivergent/disabled people do things when they’re alone that they don’t do in front of other people. When someone says they have/do certain symptoms/behaviours, do not argue that they don’t, just because you’ve never seen them
authoriting: Neurodivergent/disabled people do things when they’re alone that they don’t do in front of other people. When someone says they have/do certain symptoms/behaviours, do not argue that they don’t, just because you’ve never seen them
authoriting: Neurodivergent/disabled people do things when they’re alone that they don’t do in front of other people. When someone says they have/do certain symptoms/behaviours, do not argue that they don’t, just because you’ve never seen them
authoriting: Neurodivergent/disabled people do things when they’re alone that they don’t do in front of other people. When someone says they have/do certain symptoms/behaviours, do not argue that they don’t, just because you’ve never seen them
authoriting: Neurodivergent/disabled people do things when they’re alone that they don’t do in front of other people. When someone says they have/do certain symptoms/behaviours, do not argue that they don’t, just because you’ve never seen them
authoriting: Neurodivergent/disabled people do things when they’re alone that they don’t do in front of other people. When someone says they have/do certain symptoms/behaviours, do not argue that they don’t, just because you’ve never seen them
authoriting: Neurodivergent/disabled people do things when they’re alone that they don’t do in front of other people. When someone says they have/do certain symptoms/behaviours, do not argue that they don’t, just because you’ve never seen them
authoriting: Neurodivergent/disabled people do things when they’re alone that they don’t do in front of other people. When someone says they have/do certain symptoms/behaviours, do not argue that they don’t, just because you’ve never seen them
authoriting: Neurodivergent/disabled people do things when they’re alone that they don’t do in front of other people. When someone says they have/do certain symptoms/behaviours, do not argue that they don’t, just because you’ve never seen them
authoriting: Neurodivergent/disabled people do things when they’re alone that they don’t do in front of other people. When someone says they have/do certain symptoms/behaviours, do not argue that they don’t, just because you’ve never seen them
authoriting: Neurodivergent/disabled people do things when they’re alone that they don’t do in front of other people. When someone says they have/do certain symptoms/behaviours, do not argue that they don’t, just because you’ve never seen them