spectredeflector: A few selfies from the day that I never posted and kind of a hair ref? It’s not too much yall, just a mohawk back-curled with a flat iron.
spectredeflector: A few selfies from the day that I never posted and kind of a hair ref? It’s not too much yall, just a mohawk back-curled with a flat iron.
spectredeflector: A few selfies from the day that I never posted and kind of a hair ref? It’s not too much yall, just a mohawk back-curled with a flat iron.
spectredeflector: A few selfies from the day that I never posted and kind of a hair ref? It’s not too much yall, just a mohawk back-curled with a flat iron.
spectredeflector: A few selfies from the day that I never posted and kind of a hair ref? It’s not too much yall, just a mohawk back-curled with a flat iron.