adraughtofamortentia: supermoclel: are you ever in the middle of saying something or showing someone something and you realize that literally no one cares I’ve literally stopped talking mid-word in a story and no one has noticed.
adraughtofamortentia: supermoclel: are you ever in the middle of saying something or showing someone something and you realize that literally no one cares I’ve literally stopped talking mid-word in a story and no one has noticed.
adraughtofamortentia: supermoclel: are you ever in the middle of saying something or showing someone something and you realize that literally no one cares I’ve literally stopped talking mid-word in a story and no one has noticed.
adraughtofamortentia: supermoclel: are you ever in the middle of saying something or showing someone something and you realize that literally no one cares I’ve literally stopped talking mid-word in a story and no one has noticed.