onthemark68: wasted—kitten: As some of you may know I’ve been pretty self conscious of my lips as of late. They’ve been so dry and cracked and sore I’ve been covering them up a lot in photos, but they’re finally getting better and I’m so
onthemark68: wasted—kitten: As some of you may know I’ve been pretty self conscious of my lips as of late. They’ve been so dry and cracked and sore I’ve been covering them up a lot in photos, but they’re finally getting better and I’m so
onthemark68: wasted—kitten: As some of you may know I’ve been pretty self conscious of my lips as of late. They’ve been so dry and cracked and sore I’ve been covering them up a lot in photos, but they’re finally getting better and I’m so
onthemark68: wasted—kitten: As some of you may know I’ve been pretty self conscious of my lips as of late. They’ve been so dry and cracked and sore I’ve been covering them up a lot in photos, but they’re finally getting better and I’m so